Happy New Year (well, Happy 8th day of the New Year)! It's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long but in an effort to be more consistent and execute more ideas and plans that have been put off for far too long, a new blog design is in order!
I've contacted an amazing graphic designer, Merely Marie Blog Designs to help give Penelope Toop {Darling}, a small but much needed facelift. I can't wait to start re-blogging again. I started out with such a zest and zeal for it and overtime my time spent went from daily to weekly to monthly. Oh for shame!
Life does have a way of getting hectic or your time being consumed with other things. BUT if you truly love something and want it to grow, be successful etc. you have to put the time into it and learn how to incorporate/balance it with your life. Something as simple as this train of thought can sometimes get so complicated but the reality is that its necessary, we need to prioritize and learn how to successfully balance.
So here's to a New Year and a New Beginning (cliché I know, but it's true). May we set out to accomplish all that we've aspired to, commit to things that need our attention, flush out ideas and move to make them happen, be determined and undeterred, and live life to fulfill your desires.