Happy New Year…!

As another year has ended, another one has begun. I’m very excited about each new year seen and doubly excited to make a list of wonderful things that I would like to do within the year. So in honor of the New Year Resolution tradition, I’ve made a very small list of things I either: want to do, should do, need to do, would love to do and the list goes on. Since this is a milestone year, I think that as the year continues along, I will add more items to the list hoping that I can accomplish them all!
1. become more time conscience, meaning “become better at being on time”
2. do something creative and fun every month either solo, with my family members and/or gal pals, be it something small or big, just do something that brings me some type of joy. i.e., taking a cooking class, going to a concert or play etc.
3. learn a new skill/craft. Perhaps learning another language or learning the art of letter pressing!
4. explore new restaurants around the city because this city has soooo much to offer and it’s time that I become serious about breathing in its culture, plus I like to eat really good food!

Let's get started!
{photo courtesy of Confetti System}

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