One of my very good friends birthday was earlier this month & her wonderful cousin decided to throw her a surprise birthday dinner with some of the women in her family and some of her close girlfriends. I was asked to make some favor bags in honor of the celebration! After some brainstorming, her cousin and I decided to create "Relax More, Stress Less Pamper Bags", to include, teas, a relaxing cd, devotion books, love & kindness quote cards, chocolate covered pretzels & a candle. I love using brown handle bags when making favor or party bags because you can utilize any color scheme that you like. In order to "jazz" up the bags, I decided to use navy blue, fuchsia and green and then hand tied a ribbon and a paper heart {words read: Relax More, Stress Less Pamper Kit}. The girls loved the bags and the birthday girl was happy, surprised and overall overcome with delight!
I'm glad that the bags turned out well but even more estactic that my friend's night was memorable for her and that she had a wonderful time.